Did you know that Integrative and Functional Nutrition is one of the FASTEST GROWING areas of nutrition and dietetics practice?
If you’re ready to propel your integrative and functional nutrition education, passion and commitment forward, we guarantee you've come to the right place.
You will learn the most effective diagnostic and treatment protocols for preventing and reversing chronic disease. And the good news, you can work at your own pace in the comfort of your home or wherever you would like.
The Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy™ (IFNA) is a comprehensive 100% online training program for registered dietitian nutritionists and other health care providers. IFNA also offers individual and group mentoring.
All of IFNA's 33 modules are taught by a multi-disciplinary “all-star cast” of the nation’s top experts in functional medicine and each module includes a full-loaded clinical toolkit.
IFNA offers in depth training in key areas:
- Integrative and functional nutrition protocols
- Therapeutic elimination diets
- Dietary supplements
- Conventional and functional labs/diagnostics
- Nutrigenomics/nutrigenetics
- Case based learning
- Mind body practices
IFNA is an Accredited Provider of 220 CPEUs by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, an Approved Provider of 264 CNEs with the American Holistic Nurses Association! (AHNA #1438) and an Approved Provider with the American Nutrition Association for 35 CEUs.
Register today at https://www.ifnacademy.com/register-here/!