Peer-Reviewed Articles

A review of the diagnostic and screening technologies and common laboratory tests for predicting, treating, and monitoring osteoporosis and fractures.
Floatation therapy appears to be a safe, natural option for conditions such as pain, depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders that could potentially reduce medication requirements.
Chronic stress can lead to the collapse of immune privilege and inflammatory cascades in hair follicles that result in hair loss. Natural interventions, such as specific nutritional supplements, diets, electroacupuncture, and more, can help address the problem at the root to restore healthy hair.
Covid-19 has become a global pandemic affecting tens of millions of people worldwide and resulting in the death of well over 1 million people. While vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus are emerging, there remains an unmet need for safe, cost-effective, and readily available treatments. In the absence of direct evidence relating to Covid-19, the goal of this article is to review the key preclinical and clinical data that support immunomodulatory properties of natural health supplements.
Green tea, curcumin, resveratrol, and ginsenosides have some of the most robust evidence for inhibiting malignant angiogenesis in a clinically meaningful way.
For health and longevity, the timing of when we eat and when we fast profoundly affects our physiology.
Editor In Chief
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA), given orally or intravenously, affects many conditions in which oxidation and inflammation are involved. One of the conditions for which exogenous ALA has been most studied is diabetes. Understanding ALA’s structure and use as an exogenous agent that is more akin to a drug than a nutrient, with particular attention to diabetes and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, is the topic of this review.
Menopause can be a challenge for women who suffer from unwanted symptoms including insomnia associated with night sweats and hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and chronic urinary problems. In addition, for those contemplating hormone replacement therapy (HRT) while evaluating its use and the potential for aggravating side effects and medical risks, the information available to the public can be confusing.
Significant changes were observed in as little as 2 weeks of dietary supplementation.
This peer-reviewed paper presents a comprehensive review of the latest evidence to support specific dietary recommendations for men with prostate cancer. Data suggests there is no one-size-fits-all solution; recommendations for prevention may differ from those for reducing risk of progression or recurrence, and there may even be inter-individual variation.