Abstracts & Commentary
For elderly patients who have suffered acute heart failure, low-dose melatonin supplementation may help prevent delirium and shorten hospital stay.
Patients taking a tea made from the gooseberry fruit experienced less severe symptoms and shortened hospital stays.
More than half of subjects who received the intervention rated the treatment as very effective and as good as no symptoms.
People often hear that they should eat a “handful” of nuts a day. But how useful is that and other descriptive terms for nut-portion recommendations?
Despite flaws in the study’s data analysis, supplementing with vitamin D and magnesium may be helpful interventions for ADHD in children.
Older adults who score higher for honesty and integrity have improved physical and mental well-being.
Key interventions that affect metabolic pathways may slow the aging process.
Eating 5 servings of smoothies and 3 servings of sesame-seed snacks a week can improve antioxidant capacity and gastrointestinal microbiota.
Cranberry preparations reduce chronic recurrent urinary tract infections and may be a solution for the growing rates of antibiotic resistance.
Women who supplemented with creatine, in conjunction with resistance training, significantly increased their body strength