Abstracts & Commentary
Does replenishing estrogen after estrogen depletion increase mortality risk from breast cancer?
Can synbiotics improve immune function and prevent postsurgical complications in pancreatic cancer patients?
Those who ate more than double the amount of ultraprocessed foods as others had only a “modest” 4% higher all-cause mortality
Sadness, anxiety, and anger affect our endothelial health differently
Executive functioning may get a boost from wild blueberry extract.
Fitness is associated with lower risk of mental disorders in kids.
Nature images improve brain blood flow and subjective experience in depressed and anxious patients.
Micronutrient supplementation can decrease homocysteine levels, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment.
Supplementation with Asparagus racemosus may enhance muscle function through modulation of proteomic pathways.
Compression socks and gloves beat ice mittens in preventing chemo neuropathy.