Abstracts & Commentary
Two drops of Salvia officinalis essential oil twice daily may offer support.
Drinking a daily flavanol-rich cacao drink may improve mood in middle-aged women.
Diet and exercise intervention nearly doubled the rate of complete response to chemo in breast cancer patients.
Women who eat 2.5 avocados or more per week have a 17% lower rate of hypertension than those who eat less.
Impact of healthcare provider–based nature prescriptions on measures of cardiovascular health, psychological health, and physical activity.
An exploratory trial of psilocybin for cluster headaches found no significant reduction in headaches.
Methylsulfonylmethane supplementation may improve quality of life in individuals with mild knee pain.
Although β-alanine did not improve physical function, it may have improved depression and cognitive dysfunction.
In a small trial, both oils improved cognitive scores, but only extra virgin olive oil enhanced brain connectivity and lowered blood-brain barrier permeability.
Dietary choline may improve verbal memory and processing speed in adults with memory decline.